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VOBA Vocal-Strength

Online Voice Courses &

Anatomical Vocal Training

Dodoma Road

Kihesa Kilolo

Iringa, Tanzania



  • Who am I?
    Hey, everyone! I'm VOBA, and I'm a singer and vocal trainer. But my journey began as a dancer. From the age of 11 to 19, I attended the State Ballet School in Berlin, Germany. As much as I loved dancing, I always had a passion for singing. After finishing ballet school, I transitioned into musical theater and landed a role in The Lion King in Hamburg. I also had the opportunity to perform in the Paris production. After a few years, I needed a break from performing. I decided to take a sabbatical and do some volunteering in West Africa. During that time, I realized that singing was my true calling. When I returned, I joined a choir and later an a-capella group. We toured Germany and other parts of Europe, performing mostly in German-speaking countries. It was an amazing experience that lasted for seven years. Now, I live in Tanzania and continue to pursue my passion for singing. I'm focused on developing my own music and teaching others how to sing. That's where I'm at right now, and I couldn't be happier!
  • What do I do? - Anatomical Vocal Training
    I specialize in anatomical vocal training. You see, everything that you produce with your voice - whether it's speaking, singing, shouting, or screaming - is all thanks to your muscles. And the better you understand these muscles, the better you can train them and improve your performance. Anatomical vocal training focuses on training the motor skills of these muscles, starting with developing awareness of which muscles you need to target. Once you've got that down, you can begin isolating and training different muscle groups until you achieve perfection. This means you can learn how to activate, release, and contract each muscle group, so you can use them independently or in tandem as needed. By mastering these muscle groups and motor skills, you gain great freedom of expression. You can choose exactly what kind of sound you want to produce and precisely when you want to produce it. You know which muscles to use and how to use them, so you can achieve the desired outcome every time. So, whether you want to sing better, speak louder, sing longer phrases, or hit higher notes, anatomical vocal training can help you get there. It's all about knowing your muscles and training them to perfection!
  • What makes this special?
    What is the difference between what I do and what other vocal coaches or trainers do? Anatomy vs Mental Concepts Firstly, I focus on training through understanding the anatomy of the voice, rather than relying mostly on emotional or mental concepts to do the job. While emotional and mental concepts may help singers achieve certain sounds, they often don't truly understand what they're doing or how they're producing different sounds. This can make it more difficult to avoid potential dangers or understand why certain sounds can be healthy in some cases and damaging in others. Therefore I teach singers to understand which muscles produce which sounds, which helps them to produce healthy and sustainable sounds in any genre they choose. I believe that understanding how different sounds are produced with specific muscles in the body is essential for developing a healthy and sustainable singing technique. Through these understandings, you are empowered to discover your voice and advance your skills, while also being aware of potential risks and dangers. Genre Non-Specific Secondly, my approach is genre non-specific. This means that regardless of what genre you want to sing, you can use your voice to achieve it. With my training, you can use your voice to sing any genre you want, whether it's classical, jazz, hard rock, death metal, afrobeats, or any other style. I train your instrument to be open and your muscles to work optimally, giving you the freedom to decide for yourself what kind of genre you want to use it for, as well as switching between genres effortlessly. Empowerment: Losing Fears / Freedom to Discover By truly understanding what sounds are done with which muscles in your body, you'll have more freedom to discover and advance your voice. Training the muscles to work optimally and the instrument to be continuously open, you will lose fears of damaging your voice, as you'll be aware of exactly what's going on and how to produce sounds healthily. If you know exactly what you're doing and what is happening in your system then you don't need to be afraid of anything! Movement BackGround Finally, my background in dance gives me a more embodied approach to teaching singing. I understand the importance of the entire body in producing sound and have years of experience working with the body to improve movement and flexibility. This approach helps singers to avoid becoming stiff and to feel more connected to their body while singing.
  • Who is this for?
    This training is designed for a wide range of individuals, from professionals to recreational singers. If you use your voice in your profession, whether you're a singer, speaker, narrator, voice actor, actor, or teacher, this training can help you develop a healthy, strong voice that can last a lifetime. It's also suitable for voice veterans who have had vocal injuries or problems in the past and are looking to regain control and freedom in their voice. Understanding the anatomical basics and applying motor skills can help you produce all the sounds you want in a healthy manner. And if you're a recreational singer who just wants to improve their singing and have a healthy, happy voice, this training can help you achieve that as well. No matter your level or goals, anatomical vocal training can help you develop your voice to its fullest potential.
  • Why join a course?
    Why should I take a course at all and not just learn with YouTube videos? Methodology While YouTube videos can provide helpful knowledge, learning the actual skills requires methodology. You need to know which exercises to start with and how to build on them in a specific order to truly improve your voice. YouTube is more suited for entertainment, showcasing what's possible rather than providing a structured path for improvement. Routine Moreover, a healthy and strong voice requires a routine of constant practice, and a course can guide you and provide you with a daily practice routine that brings maximum benefits in the shortest possible time span. Commitment, Motivation & Dedication Many people are highly motivated when something is free, but then they quickly lose interest after a few weeks. Fully committing to the process is crucial for achieving goals. Without a commitment to the process, it's easy to lose focus and skip practices. Committing to a course financially can help you stay motivated and dedicated to the process, as you'll be more likely to stick with it when you put your money where your voice is.
  • How do I book a course?
    You navigate to the Online Courses Page, pick the course that you'd like to book and follow the instructions.
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